December 3rd, 2011 Athens, Greece


<!–:en–>Konstantinos I. Doukas<!–:–>

Konstantinos I. Doukas was born in Athens in 1964. In 1987 he graduated from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens and in 1988 was awarded his Master of Arts from the department of Communication and IT in Education of the University of Columbia in New York. He has worked during his PhD studies in MIT as a scientific associate of Project Athena and, since then, has been actively involved in the use of New Technologies in Education.
He has been working since 1993 in Doukas School, currently holding the positions of CEO and Director of Studies in Senior High School.
He was also the President and CEO in the “Information Society S.A.” between 2004-2010.
Having always a great passion for sports, he has played Handball in a Division A1 team and also for the Greek National handball team. He still continues his sporting activities from which he derives the positive energy needed to be most effective in his professional and personal goals.

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