December 3rd, 2011 Athens, Greece


Bold Ogilvy

Bold Ogilvy, the biggest advertising agency in the country, was established in 1977 and builds brands for its clients in the FMCG, Finance, Retail, Telecoms, Technology , Cosmetics , Energy and Automotive sectors.

Bold was established in late 1977. From the first moment, creativity, professionalism and top its quality work was appreciated by the local market.Its high rate of new business success, led Bold to become the second largest company in the market, within its first 4 years of operation. In 1984 Bold joined the Ogilvy Group. Since then, Bold has maintained its unique creativity and dynamic growth which values politeness, dignity and integrity. Since 2002, Bold is the number 1 agency in Greece by all measures and is the most awarded company in the local market.

Bold has managed to build a versatile climate of cooperation and has the lowest client turnover in the market. The pioneering and innovative work has positioned Bold as the thought leader in the market.

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