December 3rd, 2011 Athens, Greece

Blog S.A. S.A. is a flexible and innovative digital printing company specialized in small format applications. Established in Athens, it has more than 20 years of presence supporting the Graphic Arts industry with quality solutions and timely service. Small in size but fully functional to be able and serve not only individual needs but also organizations such as schools, universities, advertising agencies, book and magazine editors, graphic designers etc. Using the latest technologies and software, the team can turn around any job in less than 24 hours in most cases. Print on demand, book on demand, variable data printing are everyday spoken words. Any database of any kind of variable data can be transformed into a printed application. For printing is not just ink on paper. It is the company’s ambition to provide sufficient solutions with the best value for money, and that’s a promise.

. Siri is now aware of live sports events so users will simply be able to ask siri to watch a certain game, or can even check which games are on at that time

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