December 3rd, 2011 Athens, Greece



MAX PERRY HANDMADE CHOCOLATES S.A. with great experience in the Greek market as a chocolate & confectionary products manufacturer, in 2005 the company from wholesaler, started to sell its own products by opening the first MAX PERRY stores in Athens.

The great success of MAX PERRY stores has established it as the ‘leader concept’ in the ‘Greek Chocolate Pastry Market’ and one of the most promising companies in the European food industry. As a matter of fact, the number of MAX PERRY stores in Athens in just few years climbed to twenty three. Each MAX PERRY store allocated independent production capacity and ‘open show’ of laboratory, that each customer can attend ‘live’.

If we could name MAX PERRY products with five words, those would be: Fresh, Tasty, Healthy, Innovative and Affordable Barnes, who was georgia’s governor from 1999 to 2003

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