December 3rd, 2011 Athens, Greece


<!–:en–>SOS DOCTORS<!–:–>

SOS DOCTORS are the first Greek organization of free-lancers, specialized doctors, with the exclusive purpose of providing 24-hour home medical services in emergencies. It was established in 1993 and, in nowadays, occupies 120 doctors of all the basic specialties: cardiologists, pathologists, pneumonologists surgeons, pediatricians, dentists, etc. SOS DOCTOR’s philosophy is that it constitutes their obligation to hurry at the patient’s side as quickly as possible, any day, 24 hour a day. To this day, SOS DOCTORS are on call 24 hours a day, in order to reach patients needing care as quickly as possible (in 35-40 minutes) with a simple call to 1016 without any subscription.
SOS DOCTORS undertake the complete medical cover of events (with continuous presence of SOS Doctors in the places of the event) on request of the host companies. The international and Greek experience showed that the readiness of SOS DOCTORS was beneficial in the treatment of emergency situations at the places of events, due to:
-the high level of training and specialization of SOS DOCTORS in the emergency situations
-the appropriate medical equipment
-the doctor’s ability to intercommunicate with foreign patients Users can also now sort files based on name and date by using options found when scrolling past the top of a document list

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