December 3rd, 2011 Athens, Greece



TT HELLENIC POSTBANK S.A. is a publicly traded bank in the Athens Stock Exchange, a member of the Hellenic Banking Association, the European Savings Banks Group and the World Savings Banks Institute.

Hellenic Postbank was established in 1900 with the objective of contributing to society and building a long tradition of prestige and reliability, which still is a key feature of the Bank. Already from the first decades of operation, it managed to address a large portion of working people, earn their trust and concentrate a substantial part of savings.

Today, in the second century of its existence, Hellenic Postbank fits the profile of a modern ethical bank with a wide depositor base, capital adequacy among the highest in Europe and a healthy loan book, enjoying the required potential and financial background to provide substantial support to Hellenic economy and society. Through innovative actions, TT invests in small business loans, while assuming an active role in green entrepreneurship.

Every product and service design is man-oriented. True to its human-centered and eco-friendly profile, the Bank promotes CSR initiatives and wealth creation for the society. Hellenic Postbank stands out as the alternative bank, being always there for citizens and building relations of trust. Lots of folks sort of scoffed when we invested in hawaii through race to the top

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