Team - Event Architect

Sophia Belouka
Sophia started her career at Beluga Associates, a Strategic Planning & Public Relations Company where, as account director, she handled several local & international accounts on a strategic, as well as implementation level. Key accounts include Diageo, Logitech and Estée Lauder. She specializes in event management, brand communication and media relations. Her background is in classical music where she has completed her studies with a Bachelors Degree from King’s College, London and Postgraduate Degrees from Goldsmiths College and Trintity College of Music.
Since last year, she has joined the team of Advocate / Burson – Marsteller. Sophia has recently entered the hospitality business in order to expand new and exciting ways of entrepreneurship. She is also a contributing editor, writing feature articles and conducting interviews for several monthly and Sunday supplement magazines.
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