December 3rd, 2011 Athens, Greece

Human Power to Disrupt Education

Education is one of the most important elements in any society. The quality of education often reflects on countries’ health, development and ability to adapt to the markets and to the changes times bring. However, today schools’ are obsolete, the techniques used are pretty much the ones used hundred of years ago and their ability to prepare students to the future challenges is being questioned. Western World Schools are calling for a revolution. In this talk I’ll present some of the problems schools face today: the inadequate use of technology, the lack of entrepreneurial stimulus, the barriers to creativity and the misunderstanding of one’s natural talents, among many others. These problems create schools from where students leave with no preparation to real world challenges (which I’ll also present). I’ll showcase examples of local projects / pilot initiatives successfully changing behaviors and presenting better results.

Also I’ll be showcasing cool stuff youngsters can do with proper education making the case for a need to disruption in education (advocating for education as a life-long discovery enabler and not a stagnated timed “industrial style” process kids go through). Is time for everyone, the so called “society”, to take matters into it own hands and do something about it. Its time for getting together, organizing ourselves and creating a manifesto demanding our governments profound changes in the education system towards creating schools where entrepreneurship, creativity and self-talent are all part of the equation. Together, organized, we can make pressure locally and start the much needed and awaited education disruption movement.

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